Sweet Perfection: Baking the Ultimate Cinnamon Roll Loaf with Espresso Glaze

If you're looking for an indulgent, coffee-infused twist on the classic cinnamon roll, then you have to try this Cinnamon Roll Loaf with Espresso Glaze! This sweet and decadent dessert is the perfect combination of a classic cinnamon roll and a rich espresso taste with a yummy glaze. The loaf is incredibly moist and has all the flavorful delight of a classic cinnamon roll. Plus, the espresso glaze adds an extra layer of flavor that will have you coming back for more. So, if you're in the mood for the perfect morning treat, this Cinnamon Roll Loaf with Espresso Glaze is the perfect indulgence. It is great for breakfast, brunch, or dessert. Plus, it is easy to make and packed with flavor. So don’t wait, give it a try today!

What type of flour is best to use for the Cinnamon Roll Loaf with Espresso Glaze?

Making a delicious Cinnamon Roll Loaf with Espresso Glaze is easy and simple with the right ingredients. All-purpose flour is the best type of flour to use for this recipe, as it will give the loaf the right texture. If you want a fluffier, lighter loaf, try substituting half of the all-purpose flour for cake flour. To ensure the best results, it's important to measure the flour correctly. Flour should be spooned into a measuring cup and leveled off with the back of a knife. For a gluten-free version of Cinnamon Roll Loaf with Espresso Glaze, use a gluten-free all-purpose flour blend. If you’d like a nuttier flavor, you can also use whole wheat flour instead of all-purpose flour. For an even richer flavor, try substituting some of the all-purpose flour with almond flour. With all of the right ingredients and the right measurements, your Cinnamon Roll Loaf with Espresso Glaze will be a delicious success!

Is the Espresso Glaze necessary for the Cinnamon Roll Loaf?

The Espresso Glaze is an optional topping for the Cinnamon Roll Loaf that adds a unique flavor and richness to the dessert. However, it of course isn't mandatory and can just as easily be served on the side or substituted for any glaze or frosting of your liking. This espresso glaze recipe adds a very subtle coffee flavor to the loaf that pairs perfectly with the cinnamon and sugar in the rolls. The coffee taste is not overpowing, and your classic cinnamon roll lovers will find it just as irresistible. The Espresso Glaze is not necessary for the Cinnamon Roll Loaf, but it is a delicious addition that adds a unique flavor and makes the dessert even more special.

What type of espresso should be used for the Espresso Glaze?

The best type of espresso to use for the perfect flavor of Espresso Glaze is actually instant espresso powder. If you don't have espresso powder, you can also use a freshly made espresso shot. When using a freshly made espresso shot be sure to take out some of the milk or add additional powdered sugar to keep consistency the same. If you want a stronger espresso flavor in your glaze, you can use a double amount of espresso powder instead of the recommended amount in the recipe. This will give your glaze a bold and rich coffee flavor. The espresso flavor if very mild in this recipe to not overpower the cinnamon roll taste, but be sure to add more if you feel necessary. You can also add espresso to the filling to make these espresso cinnamon rolls to pair with the glaze frosting. With the combination of the cinnamon roll dough and the espresso glaze, this dessert is sure to please even the pickiest of eaters!



4 1/2 teaspoons fast-acting dry yeast

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup butter

1 egg

1 teaspoon salt

4 cups all-purpose flour

1/4 cup warm water

1 cup milk


1 cup browned butter

1/2 cup sugar

2 tablespoons cinnamon


1/4 cup butter

3 cups powdered sugar

1/4 cup milk

2 teaspoons vanilla

2 tablespoons espresso powder


  1. Mix lukewarm water and yeast, and let sit for roughly 10 minutes to make sure the yeast is still active and bubbling. You will notice the yeast growing in size.

  2. While the yeast is growing, you will whisk these together in a new bowl: sugar, butter (softened for 15-20 sec on microwave) egg, milk and salt with an electric mixer. Add in yeast mixture until fully incorporated.

  3. Slowly add in flour with a wooden spoon, once you have added in all 4 cups make sure the dough is slightly sticky and looks like dough. Once you see this mix for another few minutes. If you still don’t see it looking like dough, add in more flour, 1/4 cup at a time, until you do.

  4. Once you have fully mixed together the dough form into a ball in your bowl, cover with a kitchen towel or plastic wrap and let rise in a warm place for 2 hours.

  5. Next, soften butter and mix in cinnamon and sugar for filling and preheat oven to 350 degrees. When the dough is ready roll out lightly flour your work area and roll to about 1/4 inch thick rectangular shape. Add filling to the middle making sure to cover all of the dough

  6. Roll dough from one side of the rectangle to the other and place it on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Cut along the middle and crisscross the dough from one side to the other. Tuck both ends under.

  7. Bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes or until golden browned on the top.


  1. Mix softened cream cheese and butter until smooth. (If not in the room temp warm it for 30 seconds in the microwave before)

  2. Add powdered sugar, milk, and vanilla. Mix and drizzle over cinnamon roll loaf, serve extra on the side for those who like extra frosting. Enjoy!

The espresso glaze is simple to make and adds a unique flavor to the rolls, while the cinnamon roll dough is light and fluffy, making it the perfect addition to any special breakfast. The espresso glaze gives the cinnamon rolls a beautiful sheen and adds to the flavor, making them a must-try for any cinnamon roll lover. These Espresso Glazed Cinnamon Rolls will be a hit no matter what the occasion is. Not only are they delicious and easy to make, but they’re also a great way to enjoy a special treat at home. So, if you’re looking for a unique twist on the classic cinnamon roll, these espresso glazed rolls are a must-try!

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